Wednesday 27 May 2020

Hobby Streak #5: Barney Rubble & Fred Carrien

More washes on the large rubble piles. I'm hoping more random colour washes will make these better.
Also, because rubble was getting boring, I started basecoats on a SLA Industries custom character that I constructed at on of the [now defunct] Daruma SLA:CS1 open days in Doncaster. It's a sort of Advanced Carried, I suppose. The jacket will hopefully end up looking like denim and its head won't be dark green like an orc/k, but more like a glowing green skull. This is the colour scheme for the heads I did for some other carrien and I thought it worked.
Basecoats for this advanced carrien, front...
... And rear shot
Fred and Barney.

1 comment:

  1. I would dearly love to contact you to chat about Prospero.

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    Many thanks
