Saturday 23 May 2020

Hobby Streak Day #1: Small beginnings

The first day of the hobby streak. Inspired by James Holloway ti start a hibby strwak and inspired by my daughter's interest in the cover of the Mantic Ruin Sci-Fi terrain box, I got myself a bit of space on the kitchen table and set about trying to fathom the Mantic terrain +with help from my nearly-4 year old daughter).

The results:
* a few heaps of rubble stuck together
* a few configurations of ruined sci-fi terrain and some of the Mars Attacks terrain.
* my wife had a go, too

Glued rubble piles
Raw parts... So many possibilities!
Some ruined sci-fi buildings.
Some of the Mars Attacks scenery. I really like this stuff. 

The buildings were originally intended to fulfil terrain requirements for SLA:CS1.

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