Monday 27 September 2021

Jetbike Drill

It's been ages since I touched any 'hobby' stuff. Today I did!  I took the plastic stands that were in the study and put them in the garage, but while I was there I had a look at the stuff that I'd left out since last time.  Some harlequin jetbike bits.  I am still really looking forward to having these built, but actually, looking at them, it might be a good idea to build some of it after painting.

So all I did today was dig a rare-earth magnet out of the jetbike and drill a bit of a hole.  I did discover why my pindrill wasn't working properly (I was trying to fasten the business end to the other end, which has less thread and so doesn't allow the clamp to bite the bit too well).  I did also size up the underside of the jet bike for strut placement.  I've picked up some Reaper flight stands, which are L-shaped.  Maybe my original plan of 3 struts is not necessary.  Two, with the bottom part of the L-shape in orthogonal directions, might do.  Or even just one!?

Now things I realised as I went into the garage, where my 'hobby' stuff is:

  1. It was a total mess.  I will need to clear up the mess; it's a mixture of other projects (electronics/brewing) and other DIY and stuff not unpacked from moving house.
  2. I was getting really sore shoulders standing next to the table working.  I would need a good seat of the right height.
  3. I'd love an airbrush.

I think these things need to be tackled in this order.  If I manage to tidy the place up, then I can get a chair; if then I use the space to do 'hobby', I can justify an airbrush. 

Hopefully, I can ramp up to actually getting something done.  Maybe even a hobby streak!?  I can dream.

No picture today. But I can take a photo of the bits of bike at some point maybe.

Monday 8 June 2020

Hobby Streak #2.1 - High Avatar

Based on a plan (crudely coloured in photo) I've started putting colours on my stripped High Avatar. One of the first miniatures I owned (after Heroquest).
Fornt girdle is an experiment in non-metallic metal. It's not bad, but I think the good examples you see on the interweb have been done with some technique I don't know or haven't grasped properly yet (blending...?).
Back. Going to redo the glove cover, as it is part of the blade which will be red/orange/yellow.
The plan.

Wednesday 27 May 2020

Hobby Streak #5: Barney Rubble & Fred Carrien

More washes on the large rubble piles. I'm hoping more random colour washes will make these better.
Also, because rubble was getting boring, I started basecoats on a SLA Industries custom character that I constructed at on of the [now defunct] Daruma SLA:CS1 open days in Doncaster. It's a sort of Advanced Carried, I suppose. The jacket will hopefully end up looking like denim and its head won't be dark green like an orc/k, but more like a glowing green skull. This is the colour scheme for the heads I did for some other carrien and I thought it worked.
Basecoats for this advanced carrien, front...
... And rear shot
Fred and Barney.

Tuesday 26 May 2020

Hobby Streak #4 - Hubble bubble boil and rubble

Dry brushed the big rubble piles with white and applied green/red/brown mix wash to half of them.
Washed rubble at the front (three black and one grey based).

Monday 25 May 2020

Hobby Steak #3: Rubble trouble

More work on the piles of rubble. Base coated the girders sticking out of the bigger bits. My daughter (nearly-4yo) painted a smaller ibe reddish-brown, in the spirit of joining in.
Resultant rubble
My daughter having a go.

Sunday 24 May 2020

Hobby Streak #2: More rubble

More rubble today, glued and under-coated.

Sum total of rubble piles from today and yesterday.
Waiting to be sprayed.
Post spray. I'm experimenting with grey and black. Both are Halfords sprays.

Saturday 23 May 2020

Hobby Streak Day #1: Small beginnings

The first day of the hobby streak. Inspired by James Holloway ti start a hibby strwak and inspired by my daughter's interest in the cover of the Mantic Ruin Sci-Fi terrain box, I got myself a bit of space on the kitchen table and set about trying to fathom the Mantic terrain +with help from my nearly-4 year old daughter).

The results:
* a few heaps of rubble stuck together
* a few configurations of ruined sci-fi terrain and some of the Mars Attacks terrain.
* my wife had a go, too

Glued rubble piles
Raw parts... So many possibilities!
Some ruined sci-fi buildings.
Some of the Mars Attacks scenery. I really like this stuff. 

The buildings were originally intended to fulfil terrain requirements for SLA:CS1.