Monday 27 September 2021

Jetbike Drill

It's been ages since I touched any 'hobby' stuff. Today I did!  I took the plastic stands that were in the study and put them in the garage, but while I was there I had a look at the stuff that I'd left out since last time.  Some harlequin jetbike bits.  I am still really looking forward to having these built, but actually, looking at them, it might be a good idea to build some of it after painting.

So all I did today was dig a rare-earth magnet out of the jetbike and drill a bit of a hole.  I did discover why my pindrill wasn't working properly (I was trying to fasten the business end to the other end, which has less thread and so doesn't allow the clamp to bite the bit too well).  I did also size up the underside of the jet bike for strut placement.  I've picked up some Reaper flight stands, which are L-shaped.  Maybe my original plan of 3 struts is not necessary.  Two, with the bottom part of the L-shape in orthogonal directions, might do.  Or even just one!?

Now things I realised as I went into the garage, where my 'hobby' stuff is:

  1. It was a total mess.  I will need to clear up the mess; it's a mixture of other projects (electronics/brewing) and other DIY and stuff not unpacked from moving house.
  2. I was getting really sore shoulders standing next to the table working.  I would need a good seat of the right height.
  3. I'd love an airbrush.

I think these things need to be tackled in this order.  If I manage to tidy the place up, then I can get a chair; if then I use the space to do 'hobby', I can justify an airbrush. 

Hopefully, I can ramp up to actually getting something done.  Maybe even a hobby streak!?  I can dream.

No picture today. But I can take a photo of the bits of bike at some point maybe.

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